
'Are we being too lenient towards Israel ?'

Shlomo Sand, professor of contemporary history at Tel Aviv University, on Israel, Palestine and the mutual recognition issue.

...''After the historical and permanent refusal of Israel tor ecopgnize its responsibility at the origin odf the Palestinian refugee problem of 1948, Israel has done everything in its power to discredit the credibility and the prestige of the Palestinian authority. Consequently, the population in the territories having to endure the occupation, opted for a firmer and less corrupt political party, Hamas. It is very unlikely that Hamas, playing a dangerous game in defying Israel and the West, will find a solution to the stricken Palestinian population. However, Hamas is not renouncing the idea of recognizing Israel, under certain conditions.''

...'' In 1988, the national Palestinian movement have recognized in its majority the principle of the partition of Palestine, however, Israel never recognized a Palestinian state inside the 1967 borders and never recognized the ethnically arab Jerusalem as the capital of this state. Why then Palestinians must recognize Israel in these conditions ? Israel has never recognized the right to autodetermination of the Palestinian people and did not have to endure boycott neither sanctions by the West for this reason.''

...''The wrold is lauding Olmert and before him Sharon when neither of them have ever contemplated negociating with the Palestinians a just peace. Contrary to moving in the direction of a just peace, Israel has erected a separation wall built on Palestinian land, is annexing eastern Jerusalem with its holy sites, is expulsing Palestinian population from the Jordan valley to better encircle Palestinian enclaves trying to end any geographical continuity in the Palestinian territories. Despite all this, Israel is receiving appraisals.''

...'' As an Israeli, a son of jews who were refused in the twenthieth century citizenship beause of their origins, I find the idea of a pure jewish state terrifying. There is an urgency to end the Israeli occupation of the Palestinian territories and end the murders this occupation is provoking. There is also an urgency to vaccinate the Israeli state against the virus of Racism threatening to contaminate it.''

Sophia's comment: A sustainable and durable peace can be installed between Israel and Palestine on these terms: The recognition by Israel of a Palestinian state inside the 1967 borders, recognized by UN resolutions, with eastern Jerusalem as its capital and a solution to the 1948 refugee problem. Palestinians and Hamas will make peace under these conditions.

Is this asking too much from Israel ? That is exactly what Israel has been trying to avoid. In order to avoid peace under these conditions, which seem reasonable enough for many, Israel has been trying every possible military and diplomatic move to the point of plunging the entire middle east in wars and plunging the West in wars against Islam and arab countries for years to come.


Gert said...

Good article.

"In order to avoid peace under these conditions, which seem reasonable enough for many, Israel has been trying every possible military and diplomatic move to the point of plunging the entire middle east in wars and plunging the West in wars against Islam and arab countries for years to come."

This is where I beg to differ with you. I simply do not believe the West is waging wars in the Middle East on the instigation of Israel. Don't get me wrong: it would be easy to search the Internet for Israeli statements supporting your assertion but that doesn't prove much. We mustn't overestimate the influence Israel exerts on the West's foreign policy vis-à-vis the broader ME. Nor are plenty wars in the ME particularly in Israel's interest, although on the face of it, things may look that way.

Some believe the US will try and make Israel do its dirty work re. the "Iranian problem" but again there is very little evidence for this. Au contraire, there seems very little Israeli appetite for this kind of adventure. I'll eat my hat if I'm wrong on this one (edible hat shops, anyone?)

Sophia said...


I am not saying that this is in Israel's interest. There are many Israeli who think that all this is not in their country's interest and this is why they are speaking against. Against unilateral withdrawals, against the present Israeli policy which is aligned on the neo-con policy for the middle east

Oleh Yahshan said...

your cocnlusion on the end of the post is ammusing but pointless.
to say the least, The refugee problem will not be solved until the palestinians give up thier demand to return to Israel. Since Israel will never agree to it.
also, deviding Jerusalem, is not a solution since Israel will never give up the Jewish Quarter of the old city, or will it ever dissmantle the Jewish Areas in the City - it would be commiting suicide to the City.

Also the question of recognition is something that was supposed to have been resolved in the Oslo I occordes, Hamas has to abid by them. Also - Stating that the only solution is the use of violance doesn't exactly make me comfortable talking with there people.

Cosmic Duck said...

"the Oslo I occordes, Hamas has to abid by them. Also - Stating that the only solution is the use of violance doesn't exactly make me comfortable talking with there people."

It was Fatah that signed these accords, not Hamas. I don't know how obliged they feel by them. I agree that they ought to. But neither does Israel abide by them. The plan for partition of the West Bank that Olmert has drawn up will not lead to peace, as it leaves the Palestinians with to land masses that are bare connected. And they'll be cut off from East Jerusalem.

Oleh Yahshan said...

Changing of Govt. does not change ones obligation towards Treaties that have been signed. That's occording to Int. Law.

Olmerts plan is not meant to bring peace. It's meant to Secure Israeli Borders, and Even he admits it is the least of all solutions, He would like to have a partner to negotiate, but Hamas Thinks that violance is a better answer. And don't tell me that Abbas is the Answer, Unless you can explain to me how the PA. Govt. system works - The way I see it Abbas is no more than a fig leaf for hamas, and has no real power - unless you know otherwise.

Since March 29th 2006