
Arabophobia and Islamophobia: Quote of the Day

''''I actually believe that Arabs are feigning outrage when they protest what they call American (or Israeli) "atrocities." They are not shocked at all by what in truth must seem to them not atrocious at all. It is routine in their cultures. That comparison shouldn't comfort us as Americans. We have higher standards of civilization than they do. But the mutilation of bodies and beheadings of people picked up at random in Iraq does not scandalize the people of Iraq unless victims are believers in their own sect or members of their own clan. And the truth is that we are less and less shocked by the mass death-happenings in the world of Islam. Yes, that's the bitter truth. Frankly, even I--cynic that I am--was shocked in the beginning by the sectarian bloodshed in Iraq. But I am no longer surprised. And neither are you.
Yes, I know, I know, Islam is a peaceful religion. But peace does not rule in the world of Islam.''

Note that the author does not make a difference between Arabs and Muslims. The author does not know that one Muslim out of five lives in southeast Asia, outside the Arab world. The country with the biggest Muslim community is outside the Arab world (India)...Ignorance about Islam is pervasive in the US...

P.S. A reader wrote in the comment section that the biggest Muslim community in the world is in Indonesia. The official known figures are 174 millions for India (2001 census) and 210 millions from a 2004 census in Indonesia. Thanks Kisimak.


Texas Bankruptcy Nerd said...

Frankly, his opinions don't surprise me.

Also - I have to ask: Do you think this form of bigotry / condescension is exclusively masculine/feminine?

Anonymous said...

To correct your info, the largest moslem ethnic group in the world is in Indonesia.

Sophia said...


Thanks for the info.
I think that by now India's Muslims are probably the largest group. The 2001 census in India indicates they are 174 millions while a 2004 in Indonesia gives the figure 0f 200-210 millions. So yes you may be right but a census in India as recent as that in Indonesia will certainly give a higher figure for India.

Dr Victorino de la Vega said...

Ah Marty Peretz…

From “Black-lovin’” third-worldist Marxist penseur in the 1960s to ultra-capitalist dot-com financier in the 1990s.

Only one thought remained unchanged during all his life...

You guessed it: the love of Eretzz Yitzzzrael!

Some things never change.

Since March 29th 2006