
Il hurle avec les loups

Alain Gresh sur de récents commentaires de Georges Frêche . Ou comment un socialiste Français, raciste et anti-sémite notoire, fait amende honorable auprès des Juifs, mais sur le dos des Arabes et des Libanais.

Video sur Dailymotion


Anonymous said...

Bonjour Sophia
I enjoyed the article, but I notice fewer comments when you write in French. More English please :)

Sophia said...

Half of my readers can read French.

Anonymous said...

you are answering a different question. Your English columns generate more comments. I am wondering why your French readers post FEWER comments?

Sophia said...

I cannot answer your question. probably because I don't post often in French.

Anonymous said...

J'aime Israel.

Since March 29th 2006