
My New Year

Many thanks to readers and friends who left their wishes for Christmas and the new year, especially the last ones because it took me some time to publish them in the comment section.

I started the new year with a very bad flu, strong fever, muscle and joint pain, as well as a terrible headache. I haven't been sick like this before. I only experienced such extreme symptoms some sixteen years ago when an irresponsible dentist extracted an infected wisdom tooth without giving me antibiotics and I had a sceptic choc. I survived only because I had a very good health and I was young.

For this new year I should have suspected that something was wrong but I wasn't listening enough to my body. This was the first time I didn't really enjoy the chain of dinners and gatherings with family and friends between the 24th and the 31st. I was feeling weak all along and when my son's anniversary came on the 29th we went out for dinner. Usually I like to cook on these occasions. It was the end of a very stressful fall season for me, starting in September, and my body surrendered to infections. When stress and cortisol levels are high, they help the body fight infections, but when the stress level goes down abruptly or eventually when the stress is so chronic that the body stops producing the needed amount of cortisol out of exhaustion, the immune system becomes vulnerable.

Since January 1st 2008, I have been 100% of time in bed, but I am feeling better this morning. Thanks to all, and my best wishes for a good health for 2008, and beyond.


Wolfie said...

Sorry to hear you have been feeling ill, I hope you are on the mend now.

I'm out for the count now with what appears to be a bad cold but its one of the worst I've ever encountered. I never used to get knocked-out by them, there is something strange going on - that's for sure.

Take care of yourself.

Sophia said...

Thanks Wolfie. Take care of yourself too. We often forget that health should always be our number one priority.

Naj said...

Sorry to hear you are unwell. I hear everyone has been down with this flu.
Although I was in Iran, I was sick too, on the new year's eve. With leftover cold.

Get well soon

Since March 29th 2006