
Iran's present turmoil: Opportunism or Reformism ?

A dissident note in the chorus of western condemnations of Iran is necessary, and what if it is true ? Reading this critique from an Iranian American scholar who is an expert in vote fraud and was on the board of NGOs overseeing votes in many countries worldwide, it appears that the story of vote fraud in Iran is somehow twisted and overblown. Mousavi is more of an opportunist than a reformist. He is betting on western influence and the present uproar to do what he is unable to do hismself: win the elections in Iran or at least destabilise his opponent. This is the Lebanonisation of Iranian politics.

The point of view I have expressed here does not entail that I take sides. I am merely stating that western coverage of post elections Iran is a large scale interference used as a pressure on the regime by those who oppose AhmadiNejad. It is clear that what is going on is an internal struggle inside the regime between hardliners and 'reformists'. But comments from an Iranian blogger (Naj) here confirmed what I suspect is at the bottom of this struggle, the identity of the country: AhmadiNejad and his supporters in the religious hierarchy want a regional and political leadership for Iran focused on current Middle East problems: Palestine and sunni-shia political rivalries and that's a direction that goes against Israel's and the US will for the middle east, while those who oppose AhmadiNejad have set their priority in separating Iran from regional conflicts, namely conflicts in the Arab world. But in my opinion, and although AhmadiNejad and his supporters are labeled as conservatives, and although vote fraud may have taken place, the present turmoil has nothing to do with reforms, at least not from the perspective of Mousavi and some inside the religious hierarchy, but it is certainly for reform that most Iranians are demonstrating in the streets.

I wish Iranian people the best and most of all to be able to resolve the present turmoil in a peaceful manner.

From Le Monde Diplomatique: Betqeen religious and democratic legitimacy: Iran's stolen elections


Naj said...
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Naj said...
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Naj said...

Please take a minute to read this counterpunch article

Naj said...

This is what an Iranian blogger has to say to pro-palestinians: http://enghelabmikonam.blogspot.com/2009/07/blog-post_04.html

Naj said...


I think you are again mistaken! this is not about the IDENTITY of the country!

One thing this country is sure of is its identity!

This is about reforms in political and economic structure of the IRI. The demonstrators are challenging the government to ACCOUNTABILITY!

your comments here do not confirm anything and really do not relate to anything that is really happening on the ground!

of course we are all entitled to intellectual confabulation!

Anonymous said...

this is the double standard:

when Israel fights back against the masked men of Hamas and their suiciders, the whole world protests Israel.

But when Iran uses violent means to to suppress peaceful protests, there is not one protest any where in the world.

Since March 29th 2006