
Lebanon's final revolution?

I read this analysis from Nicholas Noe in the Times. Agree with much of it. But the central question raised in the article is: how much is the US willing to go against its own interests in the region in order to please Israel? And the answer in my opinion is: to the point of political suicide.

By Noe's own admission, the New York Times was sensitive to everything concerning Israel in his article and suggested rewriting...

Lebanon has always been the mirror of the power equation in the region and for now, the US has lost, but I am not sure that Israel won either. Israel's intransigence derives from a deep belief that it can resolve anything to its own advantage by wars, not political strategy, not negotiations, not anything else except war and spin... So it is pretty sure that there will be another war with Lebanon. But Israel's wars are turning worldwide and Arab public opinion against Israel. This is a country that can only live through wars...

It is an extraordinary phenomenon that a small country imposes its own hostile agenda for years with no respect for international law and human rights and get cheers, nods, and material and monetary support from other countries...This is something I can hardly understand...

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Since March 29th 2006